Ben Norris


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Sketchnotes from How to Plan Your Year

I have long followed Shawn Blanc, and joined a webinar he hosted today. He shared advice and a framework for planning to incorporate values and vision into practical action. Iā€™m looking forward to jumping in to his framework, and enjoyed capturing some sketchnotes.

Sweet Setup Sketchnote

Sweet Setup Sketchnote

Sketchnote Army Podcast Interview

Ben Norris

I was interviewed recently for the Sketchnote Army podcast:

In this episode I talk with Ben Norris, a software developer, sketchnoter, mental health advocate, blacksmith, a loving husband and father of 7.

Ben shares his passion for mental health, and how sketchnoting is a meditative practice heā€™s used to support his own journey with ideas for you too.

Journey along with us on this thoughtful discussion.

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Sketchnote bios

I am speaking at an upcoming homeschool conference about sketchnotes. I was asked to provide some sketchnote-style illustrations for the bios of the youth team. Each person had a paragraph of their interests, which I tried to incorporate into their image. šŸ˜„

Sketchnote bios

Release Notes 2019 Sketchnotes

I had the fantastic opportunity to travel to Mexico and attend Release Notes in 2019 and enjoyed capturing sketchnotes. It was great to spend time with amazing people and form some new deep friendships.

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